Caffeine Fix

Wednesday is one of the most difficult days of the week for me.  It’s the day I’m most likely to give up: skip class, veg out at work and nap away the afternoon.  That’s why it’s especially important to get my caffeine fix first thing in the morning.

As a depressionista (if you’re living pay check to pay check and depending on your credit cards to squeeze you through, then you are a daughter of this depression), I’ve learned to cut corners to save where I can.  One depressionista move I’ve made is to start drinking my coffee black.  I no longer have have buy crappy powdered creamers, splurge on expensive fancy creamers or burn through bags of sugar.

While I’ve cut back on coffee condiments, I refuse to buy cheap bulk coffee.  I’m a Dunkin’ Donuts ground original roast girl through-and-through, but I’m open to trying new things if the smell promises to make it worth my while.

Yes, I am that girl in the grocery store pumping the little bags of ground coffee to catch a whiff and see if it’s the roast for me.  I’ve come to enjoy my coffee black, and not just because it makes me feel cool to order it that way at diners, but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss steaming cups full of rich, decadent flavors.  That’s why I indulged in the bag of “gourmet” chocolate truffle coffee pictured above.

I brewed two scoops with high hopes that drinking a flavored roast straight would bring me a glimpse of the coffee I enjoyed before settling into my depressionista role.  Blech.  Do not, I repeat, DO NOT drink this coffee straight.  The chocolate truffle flavor is strong, which is a plus, but it makes the coffee extremely bitter.

While it goes against my depressionista mantra, I absolutely can’t drink this coffee straight.  Rather than throw away the bag, I’ve come up with a homemade blend that turns this bitter chocolate coffee into a delicious dream of a morning pick-me-up:

  • Brew two scoops with 2.5 cups water
  • Put two spoonfuls of hot chocolate mix into your coffee cup
  • Add one tsp. of sugar
  • Fill the cup halfway with your brew, stir until well blended
  • Fill the rest of the way, stir and enjoy