I vaguely nodded my head along to the first 17 signs you’re a writer. There were one or two signs that warranted an emphatic head nod, but overall it was just “meh”.

Then I got to reasons numbers 18 through 25. Woah.

Sorry world (the world I speak of consists of friends, family, former classmates, acquaintances, ex-boyfriends). Sorry for turning you into a story before we even finished the conversation that sparked my spiral into planning plot points.

Sorry for over-sharing with the internet. I sometimes forget it’s not just my best friends consuming my blog. Sometimes, someone you barely remember from high school quotes you to you and it shakes you to your very foundation (that reference is for my best friends). This is not a diary and anyone can read it.

Sorry for immortalizing you in a light that isn’t always flattering, may not be fair and is probably not the way you want to be seen.

Sorry I’m not sorry.

I’m a writer, this is what I do. I write through my feelings and I’m glad I’m not the only one.

Furthermore, if you think you’re reading the final draft of this blog post – you are sadly mistaken. Since hitting publish 10 minutes ago, I have changed it no less than 13 times. Months from now, I will come back and edit a sentence, add a paragraph, change the very essence of this post. I’m never satisfied with what I write and if my feelings change, the post probably will too.

Thank you Thought Catalog for yet another spot on, navel-gazing list for 20-somethings (that’s what the haters will call it). Keep them coming.

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