Month of Dana

I recently posted about deciding to take the plunge back into the dating world after the horrible forays of 2011. I changed my mind. The universe conspired against me and decided it would be best if I sat at home by myself and didn’t communicate with the opposite sex.

I was robbed, went through a weird phase where I was an accidental stalker, ran into every ex-boyfriend I’ve ever had all in one date, and experienced an inappropriate anxiety level regarding commitment for someone who was ready to date again. Even outside of dating, I just couldn’t get anything right.

All are funny, harmless stories that I’m sure I’ll detail at a later time, but the multiple incidents of bad luck convinced me to take April off… from dating, from venturing into the city, basically from life. But, April is almost over and I’ve decided May is the month of Dana.

I got the idea from Happy Endings, one of my favorite primetime comedies. One of the characters decides that 2012 is the year of Penny (her name, not the the most annoying coin in the U.S. monetary system). Penny decides that every good thing she’s waited for is going to happen in 2012. She even makes a dream board to direct the universe’s good energy.

I don’t have the patience to cut and paste things on a poster, so I’ll probably just pin someone else’s dream board on Pinterest. I also can’t wait a whole year for great things to start happening, so I’ve settled on one month. A month where I will remain positive about everything, follow every opportunity (no matter how crazy they may seem) and generally welcome the universe to do its thing. A month, that on paper, already seems awesome:

I’m finishing the last class of my official college career, there will be lots of job opportunities, tons of fun graduation parties are on the books, my crazyface roommate is moving out, my fitness Groupon is going to expire so I’ll finally have to make it to the gym, I’m selling my condo, buying a car and moving to the lake. Month of Dana is going to rock.

I hope May is just as great for all of you, and I’ll keep you updated.


3 thoughts on “Month of Dana

  1. Pingback: I was going to start dating again (part two), but then Month of Dana (part two) changed my mind | The Morning After: Brunch

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